The first important issue women have to consider before their Asian breast augmentation is the choice between silicone and saline breast implants. Each type of implant has its own advantages and benefits, and some types of implants are better suited to the individual patient than others.
Silicone Breast Implants
Silicone breast implants are filled with silicone gel and have a natural “fleshy feel.” Depending on the size, they may require a slightly longer incision but have a much less chance of rippling (noticeable waviness in the skin).
The silicone implant family includes two types of implants: moderately cohesive implants and highly cohesive silicone implants. The cohesive types of silicone implants are often called “Gummy Bear Implants.” The highly cohesive type of silicone does not flow within the implant shell or leak, even if the shell were to ever become damaged. The highly cohesive silicone implant is usually manufactured in a teardrop or anatomical shape. It is slightly firmer and moves less naturally than moderately cohesive silicone implants, which are round and most commonly used.
Saline Breast Implants
Saline breast implants are filled with IV fluids. They require a smaller incision than larger silicone gel implants. They have a higher chance of rippling in very thin patients, and some women believe they do not feel as natural as silicone implants. The newest type of saline implant is called the “Ideal Implant,” and it has been manufactured to behave more like a silicone implant, with a better feel and less rippling. Unfortunately, it is no longer available in Canada.
Regardless of the implant a woman selects for her Asian breast augmentation, there is always a risk of deflation, though this risk is relatively low at 1% being replaced per year. All implants have a lifespan of 15-20 years and a replacement warranty. During the consultation, the surgeon will discuss the different types of implants and their advantages and also help choose between the main manufacturers of breast implants: Mentor and Allergan, which are almost identical.
Placing the implant over the muscle is often recommended for women who already have mild droopiness because the implant can better lift the breast in this location. Female bodybuilders who pose on stage often choose to place the implant over the muscle. This is called subglandular placement.