Most healthy adults with minor skin problems such as fine lines, roughness, dark spots or uneven pigmentation can benefit from this treatment, however, a skin analysis must be conducted first. To schedule your skin analysis and OxyGeneo treatment, contact Edelstein Cosmetic today and start enjoying fresher, brighter and healthier looking skin.
Oxygeno ( 3 in 1 )First Step
What kind of results can I expect?
One of the best things about OxyGeneo is that patients can see immediate improvement in the condition of their skin after only one treatment. For even better results, however, many patients choose to have a series of treatments which may be scheduled as frequently as one week apart. Many patients however, elect to have treatments monthly or even just with the change of seasons.
At Edelstein Cosmetic, we work with our patients to arrange sessions in a way that suits their needs and schedules.
Unlike some other facial treatments, there is no pain, redness or downtime. This means that you can even schedule an appointment on the day before or the day of a big event in order to give your skin and healthy, radiant glow.