By Jerome Edelstein, MD
Tubular or Tuberous breasts are a developmental deformity that impacts the shape of the breast. While normal breasts are characterized by evenly distributed tissue, tubular breast tissue is prevented from filling out the lower poles due to tight bands of constriction. The breast tissue will then be underdeveloped and typically herniated under the nipples, giving them a protruding appearance.
People with tubular breasts normally have breasts with a narrow base and a long skin envelope giving them a droopy and long appearance, although the degree of severity differs greatly.
If you have tuberous breasts, you may be wondering if a Toronto Breast Augmentation is an effective solution to correct them.Many of our clients exploring Breast Augmentation are looking to correct tubular breasts. They are often a source of embarrassment for women who feel self conscious of their misshapen appearance.
The goal of a tubular breast augmentation is create a more rounded breast and reduce the size of the areolae, if required. In severe cases, a breast lift may be the right solution. By making an incision around the areola and lifting the breast into a more rounded shape, the condition can be corrected. However, in many cases a lift is not entirely necessary.A tuberous breast correction is a surgical procedure performed under general anesthesia and typically takes around two to three hours to complete.
During the procedure, an incision is made either entirely around the nipple or under the crease of the breast, making the scar very subtle and inconspicuous. Internal incisions are then made to release the constricted breast tissues in order to make space for an implant. By inserting an implant under the breast, the lower breast crease is rounded out and large, protruding areolae are also corrected.Patients should be aware that although the procedure will produce a better-shaped breast without a tubular appearance, it will take a few months for the final results to be visible.
The recovery period following a tubular breast correction is not much different than a Toronto Breast Augmentation for non-tubular patients. It typically takes around 1-2 weeks of bed recovery and light activity before you will begin to feel less sore and able to return to regular activities.When it comes to tubular breasts, patients can have varying degrees of deformity. To address concerns related to different shapes and sizes, different techniques need to be employed by the surgeon to produce natural looking results.
Therefore, it is extremely important to choose a well-known and highly skilled surgeon specializing in breast augmentation for the procedure.Drs. Jerome Edelstein and Kunaal Jindal are two of the leading breast and body contouring surgeons in Canada. At their Toronto plastic surgery clinic, the surgeons and their team take pride in putting patient comfort and safety first. They will be able to thoroughly assess your case during your consultation, understand your aesthetic goals and formulate a safe and effective treatment plan for you.If you are considering a Breast Augmentation in Toronto to correct tubular breasts, we welcome you to schedule a private consultation at our state of the art clinic to discuss your needs and goals.