MemoryGel® Premier Advantage Limited WarrantyEvery patient who receives breast augmentation using MemoryGel® Breast Implants is automatically eligible for enrollment in the Mentor Lifetime Product Replacement Policy*. This warranty helps to protect patients with MemoryGel® implants from unforeseen complications, allowing them to enjoy the benefits of their breast enhancement without any worry.
Because implants are lifetime devices, Mentor provides its Lifetime Product Replacement Policy to every patient in order to protect them from implant risks such as confirmed ruptures. In cases such as these, Mentor will provide up to two replacement implants in a similar size or style without requiring patients to pay any extra charge.
See why the new silicone implants are safe and do not leak if punctured MemoryGel® Implants Warranty DetailsMemoryGel® Breast Implant surgeries that have been carried out on or after May 1st, 2009** are eligible for the Mentor Premier Advantage Limited Warranty. This warranty provides $1,100 more than Mentor’s Enhanced warranty, offering patients up to $3,500 in financial assistance. Premier Advantage Limited Warranty coverage is offered to patients free of charge.
The MemoryGel® Premier Advantage Limited Warranty gives patients non-cancelable terms, Mentor’s Lifetime Product Replacement Policy, free contralateral (opposite side) implant replacement if requested by your surgeon and covers the costs that may arise from a confirmed rupture (within 10 years of the date when the original implant surgery took place). The Premier Advantage Limited Warranty will pay out up to $3,500*** in financial assistance. This amount is applicable to costs incurred from anesthetic, surgical and/or operating room fees (unless covered by insurance) for implant surgeries carried out after May 1st, 2009.
It is the patients’ responsibility to retain enrollment documents. Your Plastic Surgeon in Toronto may keep copies as well, but it’s better if you maintain your records throughout the entirety of the warranty period.
* Mentor’s Lifetime Product Replacement Policy provides free MENTOR® product replacement for a patient’s lifetime. Replacement implants must be of a similar size or style as the original product unless a different variety is requested by your Plastic Surgeon. In this case the warranty will not cover the price difference between the two implant styles.
** Patients who have undergone breast augmentation surgery before May 1st, 2009 will receive the warranty coverage originally offered to them at the time of the initial procedure.
*** Mentor’s Lifetime Product Replacement Policy gives payment priority to anaesthesia and operating room costs. Patients who wish to qualify for financial assistance must sign the applicable release form.
If you’re ready to take the plunge into plastic surgery or our non-surgical treatments, the first step is a consultation. We look forward to helping you achieve your dream aesthetic.