By Jerome Edelstein, MD
As you prepare for your upcoming Toronto breast augmentation surgery, you will likely have come across certain questions that you want to ask. Here, we will provide expertise on the top 10 questions that clients interested in breast augmentation typically ask.
Are All Breast Implants The Same?
Breast implants can be similar in terms of their regulation by the Canadian government. For example, they have the same rigorous standards that they must meet for quality, sterility, and durability. Also, most women who undergo a breast augmentation using breast implants are satisfied with the final outcomes and have a good experience. However, breast implants are also different because of the variations in size, shape, texture, projection and material. Depending on the woman and her needs, there will be some breast implants that are more recommended than others.
What Are Breast Implants Filled With?
Traditionally, breast implants are willed with either saline or silicone gel. Through recent medical advances and technology, breast implants can also be filled with saline with an internal structural integrity that boosts their naturalness (called the Ideal Implant).
Will I Know If My Silicone-Filled Breast Implant Ruptures?
When a saline breast implant ruptures, you will know because your breast deflates. However, when a silicone gel breast implant ruptures, you might not be aware immediately because it holds a stable form and retains a normal shape.
Will My Breast Implants Last Forever?
Breast implants do not last a lifetime, but revision surgery is not common for ruptured implants. Instead, additional breast augmentation surgeries are usually done to change sizes or to fix sagging breasts after a decade or so.
Can I Breastfeed With Breast Implants?
Most women are able to breastfeed following their Toronto breast augmentation without any problems or effects to their breast milk. Furthermore, breastfeeding does not negatively impact the final outcomes of your breast augmentation.
Will Breast Implants Improve My Sex Life?
There is still no clear answer to this question. Some women have reported that their sex lives have improved after their breast augmentation, however that can be attributed to the increase in their self-confidence.
Will Breast Implants Cause Problems During A Mammogram?
Breast implants usually do not pose a problem for mammograms especially if they are soft and behind the muscle; however, additional views may need to be taken; let the mammography technician know you have implants.
Do Breast Implants Increase My Risk Or Cause Cancer?
There have been no causative studies proving that breast implants increase the risk for breast cancer. However, there are some articles that link breast implants to anaplastic large cell lymphoma (ALCL). This is a very rare occurrence and has only been seen with textured breast implants.
Can Breast Implants Lead To Weight Gain?
Breast implants do weigh a certain amount, especially if you are opting for large implants. However, the weight gain is minor in the breast area.
What If My Implants Are Too Big Or Too Small?
Choosing an experienced and qualified plastic surgeon for your Toronto breast augmentation, as well as proper planning to choose the correct breast implant size, will prevent this problem. Dr. Edelstein and Dr. Jindal take the time to understand your aesthetic goals, take careful measurements of your body and provide tools to help you determine the best size of breast implants for you.If you have any other questions that were left unanswered from this, we invite you into our clinic for further information.