Toronto, ON

How To Know If You Need a Facelift?

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By Jerome Edelstein, MD

Generally speaking, the only requirement necessary to qualify as a candidate for facelift surgery is to be in good general health—as to whether or not you need a facelift surgery is something that you’ll have to determine on your own (ideally with the advise of a qualified plastic surgeon). Deciding to have plastic surgery—or any elective cosmetic treatment—is a deeply personal decision that should be carefully considered. However, keep in mind it’s also a common decision made by thousands of men and women each year, and social acceptance of plastic surgery is at an all time high.

The Most Important Step Before Having a Facelift Surgery

Did you know that the most important part of an overall facelift procedure isn’t usually the surgery itself? As long as you’re working with a qualified plastic surgeon, the operation is likely to go well—there’s a remarkably low incidence of failure for this kind of cosmetic treatment. Instead, the most important part of having a facelift surgery will come well in advance of the operation itself—it’s during the initial consultation you’ll have with a medical professional.

It’s during these consultations that you’ll be able to learn everything there is to know about the procedure that you’re considering as well as about the surgeon’s level of experience and previous work. You should feel completely comfortable and secure during the entire process, and your questions should be met with prompt, accurate answers. A qualified plastic surgeon will be enthusiastic about showing you before and after pictures of patients who have had similar procedures. You should be able to request take-home copies of information regarding face and neck lift surgery, as well as any copies of other kinds of documentation you may wish to see, including copies of the surgeon’s educational qualifications, certifications, and so on.

You’ll also be physically evaluated during these consultations. This will allow both you and the surgeon to learn more about your unique anatomy and the best ways to proceed in the achievement of your aesthetic goals. Since everyone’s facial anatomy—and anatomy in general—is different, no two procedures will ever be conducted in exactly the same way.

Additionally, just as you were able to ask your plastic surgeon as many questions as you wanted, so too will they be able to ask you questions. It’s important to answer these questions openly and honestly, as they may affect the way your facelift procedure is conducted or how the surgeon can best serve you. For example, if you smoke or drink regularly, tell the truth about it as this can affect your recovery time and the care that you receive.

As a final note, during these consultations you should always speak in a way that you understand—that is to say, use your own words. If you’re not a medical professional, you won’t be expected to use medically accurate terms—explain your meanings as best as you can. If your plastic surgeon needs you to clarify anything, they’ll certainly ask.

Final Considerations Before Facelift Surgery

If you’re ready to take back control over the way you look and feel, consider scheduling a consultation with the award winning offices of Edelstein Cosmetic. Conveniently located in Toronto, these medical offices can provide you with the highest quality care so that you can reach your aesthetic goals. Call (416) 256-5614 today to learn more about facelifts and just about any other kind of cosmetic surgery.

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If you’re ready to take the plunge into plastic surgery or our non-surgical treatments, the first step is a consultation. We look forward to helping you achieve your dream aesthetic.

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