Toronto, ON

Labiaplasty Techniques

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By Jerome Edelstein, MD

What is labial Hypertrophy?

Labial hypertrophy is a medical condition that is characterized by the atypical enlargement of the inner vaginal lips (or labia minora). Patients who suffer from the condition present inner vaginal lips that extend beyond the typically larger outer lips (labia majora). The symptoms of hypertrophy (enlargement) include significant aesthetic or functional changes that cause interference (or outright pain depending on severity) during activities such as intercourse, cycling, playing sports and routine motions like walking or sitting. In some cases the labia protrudes enough that it is visible when wearing swimwear and some types of clothing. Proper hygiene may be difficult to maintain when hypertrophy is present. Aside from these significant physical issues, labial hypertrophy may cause sufferers embarrassment and/or diminished self-confidence.

Labial hypertrophy can develop for a number of different reasons. While some women notice the symptoms of hypertrophy during adolescence (sometimes being diagnosed with extreme labial asymmetry during the teenage years) the condition most often presents itself following hormonal changes. Pregnancy and childbirth can lead to an overly relaxed, sagging labia as well.

Labiaplasty And Labia Minora Reduction Surgery

We treat labial hypertrophy through a procedure known as labiaplasty. Labiaplasty is a surgical option that removes excess genital tissue without leaving any visible scarring. Before the surgery begins, your surgeon works with you to identify treatment goals. This step typically involves discussing the desired length of the labia minora. Most women are advised to seek a level of correction that brings the minora roughly level with the labia majora.

The most commonly expressed goal of labiaplasty is to resolve asymmetry by balancing the labia to within at least one centimetre in length. Labiaplasty itself is a relatively short procedure, usually taking less than an hour to complete. Most women are able to receive the treatment on an outpatient basis. Once healed, labiaplasty leaves women with a contoured, younger-looking and more comfortable genital area.


Our surgeons are skilled in a wide range of surgical techniques. By carefully assessing you before the procedure and leveraging their medical expertise, our surgeons are able to provide the best form of labia minora surgery for any woman.

Trim Technique Labiaplasty

The most common form of labiaplasty, the Trim Technique, involves surgically removing the longitudinal section of excess labial tissue. The trimming procedure is the simplest form of labiaplasty, providing lessened complication risks and a straightforward recovery process. For these reasons, it’s the preferred treatment course for most patients.

Wedge Technique Labiaplasty

This technique preserves the natural tissue border of the inner labia and was developed in order to minimize patient scarring. Only women with appropriately shaped labia, where the excess tissue to be removed is composed of a small portion of the inner labia, are candidates for the Wedge Technique.

Z-Plasty Labiaplasty

Z-plasty Labiaplasty is much like the Wedge Technique, however it results in a scar that’s even less apparent.

De-epithelialisation Technique Labiaplasty

The De-Epithelialisation technique was developed to avoid the requirement of deep, surgical incisions and to maintain the natural appearance of the labia edge. Despite its benefits, this technique has very limited applications and therefore isn’t performed very often.

Long labial Surgery Recovery And Potential Complications

In most cases, women who undergo labiaplasty are able to return to work within a week. While physical activity must be limited for a period of four weeks (the labia often heals within two weeks, but requires four weeks to return to normal). During the first two weeks, showering is allowed, followed by the application of a light layer of Polysporin and a small gauze, worn in the underwear.

Despite the fact that labiaplasty is safe and effective, like many other forms of surgery it comes with potential risks. The most common complications associated with labiaplasty include infection, bleeding and asymmetry.

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