By Jerome Edelstein, MD
As with any type of surgery, back liposuction can lead to complications that patients should be aware of before planning to move forward with the treatment. The sensitivity of the back’s skin and the manner in which fat collects in problem areas can make the area particularly difficult to treat. Even though the liposuction procedure is routine and can be safely performed, our Plastic Surgeons always exercise the utmost level of caution.
Some of the most common back liposuction complications include the following:HYPERPIGMENTATIONPerforming liposuction on the back carries a higher risk of hyperpigmented scarring (uneven or blotchy skin discolouration) than other areas of the body. Hyperpigmentation is often permanent, however can be treated with non-surgical treatments such as laser skin rejuvenation.
We minimize this risk by creating the smallest number of surgical incisions required and using small microcannulae. These tools are more precise and allow him to minimize trauma to the skin during surgery. He also makes incisions as laterally and as far to the sides as the operation allows for. When entry wounds are created on the back they are more likely to cause hyperpigmentation, making lateral incisions preferable whenever possible.EXCESSIVE LIPOSUCTIONBack fat takes the form of a thick layer of dermal tissue rather than a deep subdermal compartment. This positioning increases the risk of excessive superficial liposuction. Damage to the underside of the skin can cause permanent discolouration (a condition called erythema ab lipoaspiration).
One of the risks of liposuction on the back, this can lead to the death of skin tissue (necrosis) and, eventually, a large and unsightly scar that will not adequately fade away over time. Our surgeons are experienced in performing back liposuction, and are careful to avoid damaging the skin during surgery. They are always mindful of the risks associated with excessive liposuction and are extremely cautious when performing the procedure for this reason.POST-OPERATIVE CARE AND RECOVERYLiposuction patients are provided with super-absorbent pads and a torso compression garment to be worn during recovery. Breathing and simply moving normally applies enough pressure to help the body expel any anesthetic solution left over from the procedure and aid the treatment site in healing itself.
During the healing process, patients can help avoid the development of liposuction complications by adhering to all recovery guidelines provided by Edelstein Cosmetic. Following any suggested activity limitations and properly using any prescribed medication, absorbent pads and compression garments will greatly assist the body in healing. Conscientious patients, treated by a talented and experienced surgeons like the team at Edelstein Cosmetic, are far less likely to suffer from complications.