By Jerome Edelstein, MD
Abdominoplasties have become one of the top plastic surgery procedures in Toronto in recent years. Also known as a tummy tuck, this cosmetic procedure is designed to remove excess skin and fat while tightening the abdominal muscles, helping patients achieve a flatter stomach and the svelte figure of their dreams. This transformative body contouring procedure benefits both men and women who are troubled by stubborn pockets of abdominal fat and loose, excess skin. Although in some cases a drainless procedure may be recommended, in most instances, drains are put in place during this surgery to reduce the risk of fluid accumulation, also known as a seroma.
Purpose Of Drains
During a tummy tuck procedure, loose abdominal skin and tissue is removed from the midsection in order to tighten and smooth the area. Liposuction may be performed to the abdominal tissue and other areas at this time. The remaining skin is repositioned and pulled taut, while the belly button is reconstructed. After separating the skin and fat from the abdominal wall muscles underneath, a space is created into which the body wants to deposit fluid.The natural inflammatory process and the methods used for liposuction can generate fluid which must be reabsorbed by the body or drained away. If fluid is allowed to pool between the layers, it may delay healing. To reduce this risk, it is often necessary to utilize soft drains which are inserted during the procedure to ensure that fluid is drained from the surgical site for the first 7- 10 days.The drain tube typically exits the skin through a small opening placed low on the pubic mound or groin area, and must be emptied two to three times per day as it fills up. The patient should carefully monitor the fluid within the drain receptacle, recording the amount of fluid drained each day and watch the volume gradually decrease. It is a good idea to empty the drains at the same time each day to accurately assess drain output. Drain care is simple … further instructions regarding drain care will be provided the day of your procedure.
Drain Removal
In most cases, the drains should remain in place for approximately 10 days, during which time the layers of fat, skin, and muscle that were separated during surgery rejoin, eliminating the space for fluid. During your post-operative appointments, your surgeon will evaluate your progress and determine whether the drains can be removed. It is typically necessary to ensure that less than 30 ml of fluid drains each day before removing the drain, as it is only at that point that your body can naturally reabsorb the fluid.Drain removal can be completed within a few seconds and is generally not painful, though patients may feel a slight pulling or some pressure as the stitch holding the drain in place is first removed and the tube is gently pulled out. A gauze pad will be placed over the incision site for one to two days as it heals.Although some patients prefer the idea of a drainless tummy tuck, abdominoplasty surgery in Toronto has been performed with great success using drains for over fifty years. To determine which procedure is best for you, it is important to discuss your concerns and goals for the surgery with a qualified and experienced plastic surgeon. Contact our clinic today to schedule a consultation with Dr. Edelstein or Dr. Jindal, leading tummy tuck surgeons in Toronto.