Toronto, ON

Butt Augmentation Myths And Facts

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By Jerome Edelstein, MD

If a butt augmentation is possibly in your near future, you need to be informed about the procedure. It is vital that you are PROPERLY informed, otherwise, you may hear a myth or two that scares you away from having the procedure performed. Below, we will go over some of the commonly spread myths about butt augmentation and we will follow up these myths with the facts.

Myth 1: Liposuction Means Loose, Saggy Skin

Many people believe that liposuction used to perform the Brazilian butt liftwill result in saggy and loose skin wherever liposuction was performed.

The truth is, you may actually end up with tighter skin after the liposuction is done. While saggy and loose skin can happen from liposuction, it is less of a risk if you have good skin elasticity and it is performed properly by your plastic surgeon.

Myth 2: General Anesthesia is dangerous

If you are healthy, general anaesthesia is virtually never a problem.  General anaesthesia is more of an issue in the elderly, and those with pre-existing medical problems (like heart or lung disease).  Dr. Edelstein likes to say that he has never had a patient wake up in the middle of a procedure, and he has never had a patient that hasn’t woken up at the end.

Myth 3: Weight Gain is a Big No-No

Weight gain happens from time to time and it is important to understand that a small amount of weight gain before or after the procedure is not going to sway the results or affect it as much as you think it will. In fact, weight gain after the procedure can actually help smooth out and enhance the results of the procedure.

Now, if you do gain a substantial amount of weight, you will find that your results are not the same as what they were when you were smaller. You should avoid gaining a large amount of weight, but a small amount won’t hurt. In actuality, it is worse to lose weight after the procedure as this can affect the results more dramatically.

Myth 4: Thin Women Cannot Have the Procedure Performed

One of the biggest misconceptions is that thin women are unable to have a butt augmentation procedure performed. This is partly true and partly myth. If a thin woman wants to have a Brazilian butt lift performed, she will need to have enough additional fat to be removed and then purified and reinjected into the buttocks. If she does not, she cannot have that particular procedure performed, but she can have implants placed. Thin women are often sent to “Booty Camp” … they are sent home to gain 15 or 20 pounds before the procedure !

Myth 5: The Results Won’t Last

Fortunately, this is a big myth. In fact, the results that you receive from your butt augmentation procedure WILL last and they will last for many years and sometimes even decades. If someone who underwent the procedure says their results did not last, it is because something went wrong. For example, if the fat cells were damaged at any point before, during, or after the procedure, the results will not be accurate and may not show at all.

As long as you follow all of the aftercare instructions provided to you by your plastic surgeon, your butt augmentation will last for a long time without the need for a touch up.

If you want to have a butt augmentation procedure performed, speak to your local plastic surgeon to learn whether or not you would make a good candidate.

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