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By Jerome Edelstein, MD

Have you ever been speaking with a doctor and felt that there was a “power imbalance” of some kind? It might have felt obvious or just been a palpable undertone to the interaction, but what this refers to is the kind of situation in which you don’t feel totally at ease, comfortable, or perhaps even safe. The element which is responsible for making a medical professional the best plastic surgeon in Toronto is that you’ll never feel like this. There will be no intimidation or discomfort, and you’ll feel free to speak openly.

Plastic surgery is a deeply personal decision and should always be considered carefully. A good plastic surgeon is there to help guide you and provide you with useful information, honesty, and integrity—not intimidation. Communication is perhaps the most important aspect of the beginning stages of learning more about the procedure that you’re having, so by working with a top plastic surgeon in Toronto you’ll be able to learn, develop a reasonable expectation for your aesthetic goals, and find out what plastic surgery is really all about—and how it should feel when you’re working with the best.

Understanding Procedures and Different Types of Plastic Surgery

Everyone’s body is different. What this means for plastic surgery is that no procedure is ever exactly the same. While many common cosmetic surgeries are quite similar, your unique anatomy will require slight changes and adaptations that will be best performed by a plastic surgeon with a great deal of experience in the field. One of the best ways to determine how to get the best plastic surgery in Toronto is by investigating the level of experience that your plastic surgeon has.

By asking questions and requesting past references from patients who have had the same kind of surgery that you’re considering, you can develop a deep understanding of the plastic surgeon’s background and capabilities. Request before and after pictures of their previous work as well as their educational qualifications or any other necessary certifications. A little research can go a long way to ensuring that you come as close to possible to the expected outcome and goals of the procedure you wish to have.

Education and Communication at All Times

It should be the responsibility of your plastic surgeon to answer all of your questions and fully educate you about the cosmetic surgery that you’re considering having done. Through a series of consultations which will take place well in advance of the procedure itself, you’ll have the opportunity to speak openly and honestly about your expected goals. The plastic surgeon will tell you about how likely these outcomes are, how you might go about achieving them, and what the entire process will involve from start to finish.

It’s important to be comfortable with your plastic surgeon, because if you are you’ll be more likely to ask important questions, request the aforementioned documentation, and get the kind of attention and treatment that you deserve.

A Frank and Honest Discussion About Your Procedure

Another important element of the consultations you’ll be sharing with your plastic surgeon before your procedure is scheduled should include total honesty, from both you and the medical professional. To get the top plastic surgery in Toronto, you shouldn’t be trying to find a plastic surgeon who claims to be capable of “doing anything.” The reality is that you’ll more than likely have the best possible outcome with a plastic surgeon that’s totally upfront about what is and is not possible—they’ll help you shape your goals to achieve the best possible results from your procedure, whether that’s a facelift, breast augmentation, or rhinoplasty.

Toronto's Leading Cosmetic Clinic

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If you’re ready to take the plunge into plastic surgery or our non-surgical treatments, the first step is a consultation. We look forward to helping you achieve your dream aesthetic.

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