Toronto, ON

Liposuction Consultation

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By Jerome Edelstein, MD

The consultation process is an essential part of preparing for a successful liposuction procedure, also known as lipoplasty. By discussing your medical history and specific situation with Dr. Edelstein it’s possible to determine whether liposuction is the right procedure for your needs, and to address any concerns you may have regarding the treatment.WHAT TO EXPECT FROM A LIPOPLASTY CONSULTATION

Whether Liposuction is Right For Your Body

The first step of your consultation is trying to determine if the body area (or areas) you want treated will respond well to liposuction. While many patients will already have read up on the procedure, your surgeon needs to be sure that the treatment is a medically suitable option before moving forward. Patients who wish to undergo liposuction in order to lose weight or resolve issues involving intra-abdominal fat may need to be directed toward a different procedure. Safer alternatives to liposuction may be presented. If the abdominal area is to be targeted and loose skin and weak muscles also exist, having a tummy tuck may be a better option as a liposuction alternative.

It’s essential that patients have realistic expectations regarding their liposuction results. During the consultation your surgeon tries to determine whether or not you will be happy with the physical changes that liposuction is likely to bring. They judge this by leveraging their knowledge of the procedure with your expectations and long-term effects of the procedure. It’s essential to know if patients will still be happy with their decision to undergo liposuction years after the treatment and, most importantly, if they’ll achieve the goals they hope the procedure will provide.

What is Liposuction Cosmetic Surgery? Asking Questions

The consultation is the best possible time for asking any questions you may have. It’s a good idea to write down any inquiries beforehand to help remember the most important points to cover with your surgeon. Patients are also encouraged to give Edelstein Cosmetic a call at a later time if they forget anything they need clarified or answered.

What does liposuction cost?

This is a very common question and will be answered during your consultation. You’ll receive a quote with the liposuction price broken down for you.

A Physical Exam and Lab Work to Make Sure Liposuction is Safe For You

Liposuction candidates who wish to proceed with surgery will be asked to give Edelstein Cosmetic their medical history, undergo a brief physician examination and provide a blood sample to be used for routine tests. These tests are used by the clinic to ensure that you are healthy and that liposuction can be safely performed.

Scheduling the Procedure

Edelstein Cosmetic works with you to find the right day to book your procedure, ensuring that your appointment fits into your schedule, at a time that allows you enough time to recuperate. Edelstein Cosmetic strives to be as flexible as possible and makes sure that your surgery is scheduled at an ideal time.

Out of Town Patients

Out of town patients, whether from a different city, state or country, can be accommodated. If your liposuction procedure requires you to travel a significant distance please call Edelstein Cosmetic to discuss consultation arrangements.

Patients who have any other questions regarding liposuction treatment are encouraged to call Edelstein Cosmetic for further details, a leading liposuction clinic in Toronto.

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If you’re ready to take the plunge into plastic surgery or our non-surgical treatments, the first step is a consultation. We look forward to helping you achieve your dream aesthetic.

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