By Jerome Edelstein, MD
There are still some people out there who don’t believe in any type of cosmetic surgery and even go so far as to judge those who get it. What they don’t realize is that many of the people who seek nose jobs are not doing so out of vanity. Some don’t even do it for physical reasons at all, but because they have breathing problems or snoring problems.
The potential benefits of Rhinoplasty have a strong emotional component. A well-performed nose job can benefit in a variety of ways relating to both social relations and personal satisfaction.
Is Rhinoplasty for You?
Will you benefit from cosmetic nasal surgery? First, answer these questions:
– Are you embarrassed by your nose?
– Do you find yourself worrying that your nose is what everyone else is looking at?
– Do you try to hide your nose whenever you’re talking to somebody?
– Do you ever feel nervous of going out in public because of the way you look?
– Do you sometimes have trouble breathing through your nose?
– Have you injured or broken your nose in the past and feel that it hasn’t been the same since?
– Do other people make fun of your nose or make jokes about it, and does this upset you?
– Has anyone ever given you a compliment about your appearance and you felt the need to disagree because you don’t like your nose?
If you said “yes” to any of these questions, Rhinoplasty might be right for you.
Emotional Benefits
In most cases, an individual does not decide to get a nose job overnight. This is a decision that is a long time in the making. Many people think about it for years before they finally decide to contact a surgeon. During all those years, many people have felt insecure and even unattractive because of the size or shape of their nose. They go into the surgeon’s office or treatment room hoping that everything they don’t like about their nose is fixed or modified. And as long as the procedure goes well, that’s exactly what will happen. After a long time of feeling self-conscious, finally achieving a better looking nose can really give somebody a boost of confidence.
People of just about every age group get Rhinoplasty. It’s not just young people who want to improve their looks who get nose jobs, but older people who want a more youthful appearance as well.
There are also those who did have a nice looking natural nose, but went through some type of trauma that resulted in it being broken or deformed. Reconstructive surgery can help fix the nose to make it look as good as new.
The best kind of nose job is one that makes the nose look as natural as possible. It should balance out the face and look proportional to the other facial features. Having a face with balanced proportional features really enhances one’s self-esteem!
If you are unhappy with your nose and hope that Rhinoplasty will allow for you to have better self-image, contact a surgeon in your area today. It may have a significantly positive affect on your relationships, work, school, social life, etc. when you have a positive self-image.