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What is BRA day?

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By Jerome Edelstein, MD

BRA day stands for Breast Reconstruction Awareness Day and aims to increase women’s awareness of the post-mastectomy breast reconstruction options as well as their access to them. Every year it’s observed on the third Wednesday in October. In 2020, the event took place on 21st October and was a virtual event, in keeping with the self-isolation and social distancing measures to tackle the global Coronavirus pandemic. 

Initiated by a Canadian plastic surgeon named Dr. Mitchell Brown, Breast Reconstruction Awareness – BRA Day expanded to the United States eight years ago. 

A Mastectomy or Lumpectomy Can Be Life Altering

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, breast cancer is the second most common cancer among women in the United States. The survival rate has fortunately significantly increased over the last few years, owing to the massive strides made by the medical community in the research for breast cancer diagnosis and treatment. However an astonishing fact is that few women have access to the information on breast reconstruction options available to them after a mastectomy or lumpectomy. 

Unless there is an awareness of the available options, it’s not possible for women to make an informed choice of whether or not to opt for breast construction. And it’s every woman’s prerogative to do so! 

A mastectomy or lumpectomy can be a life-altering surgery. For most women, their breasts form a part of their physical identity and they tend to associate it with their femininity and sense of self-worth. As they cope with the major transition, it’s important to educate and empower them with information on their post-surgery reconstruction options so they can make the right decision after carefully analyzing the pros and cons. 

Significance of Awareness of Breast Reconstruction Options

Breast reconstruction surgery can have significantly positive outcomes, from a psychological and cosmetic point of view. A study conducted by the National Center for Biotechnology Information showed that women who have undergone a mastectomy without breast reconstruction tend to experience depression, anxiety, and interpersonal, marital, and sexual dysfunction along with a loss of perceived femininity. However, with breast reconstruction these negative feelings can be alleviated and the quality of life can be improved. The study further added that even immediate breast reconstruction was found to be safe in an oncological sense.

Although not every woman may opt for breast reconstruction surgery, it’s important to nonetheless equip her with the pertinent information and offer her the option so she can choose to opt or not opt for the procedure, based on her personal preferences and opinion. It’s a crucial choice as breasts not only impact a woman’s sexual life and affect her clothing choices, but this also affects them on a sub-conscious level, tending to have a deeper psychological impact than many believe. Regardless of the decision they make, it’s important to reassure them that it’s their choice and to extend them full support them throughout their pre- and post-treatment journey. 

Features of Breast Reconstruction Awareness – BRA Day

The Breast Reconstruction Awareness – BRA Day event typically includes presentations from leading breast reconstruction surgeons, panel discussions, and personal experiences of women who’ve undergone reconstruction. For a better sense of what to expect after breast reconstruction surgery, the event also features a Show and Tell Lounge where women can see the outcomes of mastectomy with and without reconstruction and even chat with those who have experienced it.

For those of you who are exploring breast reconstruction options, consider opting for Edelstein Cosmetics, which has collectively performed almost 3000 breast augmentation surgeries in Toronto. Our breast augmentation procedure has been designed to be safe – with a significantly reduced risk of capsular contracture from 25% (as recorded by a Health Canada study) to 1% – and with a less intensive recovery period.

No one looks forward to this type of a situation, but those who face it deserve the opportunity to have all of the realistic choices in front of them. If this includes you, our team will counsel you on what can be done, what’s advisable and what may be the best fit for you depending on the specifics of your situation. In a sense, every day is Breast Reconstruction Awareness – BRA Day at Edelstein Cosmetics. Contact us today to learn more about how we may be able to help you.

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