Toronto, ON

4 Blepharoplasty Questions Every Patient Should Ask

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By Jerome Edelstein, MD

Blepharoplasty, more commonly known as eyelid surgery, is a common cosmetic procedure which can offer patients many aesthetic and functional benefits. In fact, the surgery is usually considered to be split into two camps—cosmetic blepharoplasty and functional blepharoplasty. The end results and goals of the two often overlap. Cosmetic blepharoplasty is an elective operation which is usually only intended to provide aesthetic enhancements to the patient.

Before having blepharoplasty, you’ll be consulting with a plastic surgeon a handful of times—it’s during this time that you have the opportunity to ask as many questions as you like as they pertain to the needs of your unique anatomy. And that’s an important note to make, because since everyone’s anatomy and goals—aesthetic or otherwise—tend to be very different, no two blepharoplasty procedures are administered in exactly the same way every time. However, there are a handful of questions which most patients tend to be the most curious about beforehand. Keep in mind that these are generalized pieces of information and that you should always follow the instructions and recommendations of your doctor. Let’s take a look.

What Should I Do Before the Procedure?

Preparing for a blepharoplasty procedure is usually fairly straightforward. It’s likely that your plastic surgeon will ask you to avoid a few things, such as smoking, aspirin, or anti-inflammatory medications. This is all so that the operation and recovery period go smoothly—smoking and medications like those will reduce the speed at which your body is capable of healing, and may even lead to complications. It’s important that you follow your surgeon’s instructions as closely as possible during both the preparatory and recovery phases of blepharoplasty—or any other procedure.

How Long Will It Take to Recover?

The recovery time for blepharoplasty is about two weeks. During this time, you can expect to have to rest—not necessarily bed rest, but you’ll want to avoid any activity which places unnecessary pressure on the face, which can include even leaning down or carrying moderately heavy objects. Additionally, the first three or four days will probably see a bit of bruising and swelling near your eyes, so visually active activities such as driving will need to be avoided. Plan ahead in advance for these things.

What Kind of Experience Does My Plastic Surgeon Have?

Ask your plastic surgeon about his or her experience with eyelid surgery. It shouldn’t be a problem whatsoever to see their educational backgrounds, qualifications, and other certifications. You should also be able to get patient references if desired, and view before and after pictures. A note about before and after pictures and patient references—they should be patients who have had the same kind of procedure that you’re interested in, in this case, blepharoplasty. This is because even an experienced plastic surgeon may have expertise in a different kind of surgery—you want to work with someone that specializes in facial plastic surgery.

How Long Does Blepharoplasty Last?

Blepharoplasty offers most patients a very long lasting benefit. While it’s inaccurate to say that any kind of plastic surgery has effects which are truly permanent, it is accurate to say that for many patients eyelid surgery will last for years and even decades. After your procedure—or before if you prefer—you can discuss an ongoing aesthetic maintenance plan with your plastic surgeon. He or she will be able to make suggestions for how you can extend and maintain the benefits of your blepharoplasty, and may include non-invasive cosmetic treatments such as dermal fillers.

Learning More About Eyelid Surgery

If you’re ready to learn more about the benefits of blepharoplasty, please feel welcomed and encouraged to reach out to the medical professionals at Edelstein Cosmetic, reachable at (416) 256-5614.

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