Through congenital difficulties or the natural aging process, undesirable traits can appear underneath the eyes and on the upper eyelid. Usually these take the form of bags, dark circles, or puffiness underneath the eyes, however the upper eyelid will occasionally develop an excess of skin, which can make the application of makeup very difficult or even cause vision problems. The latter is a condition known as ptosis, in which the upper eyelid hangs down into the patient’s field of vision. Blepharoplasty, or eyelid surgery, is a common and popular solution to these kinds of problems or undesirable aesthetic traits. In […]
Eyelid surgery is a procedure in which the skin and tissue of the eyelid and surrounding ocular area is reduced and tightened respectively. This will often lead to the near-complete abatement of undesirable physical traits such as bags under the eyes, dark circles, or puffiness. Additionally, those with ptosis, a condition in which the upper eyelid droops into the field of vision, can have this debilitating problem resolved.
The medical term for eyelid surgery is blepharoplasty—before you have this kind of operation, it’s likely that your surgeon will provide you with a list of instructions. Do your best to follow them […]
One of the most frequently administered cosmetic surgeries in the world is eyelid surgery, otherwise known as blepharoplasty. This exceedingly common and safe procedure is conducted for both elective, cosmetic purposes as well as out of medical necessity. Cosmetically speaking, a patient may have bags, puffiness, or dark circles present beneath their eyes. The surgery can resolve these undesirable aesthetic features for most patients with a minimum of downtime.
Compared to other types of surgery, blepharoplasty has a relatively short recovery period and most patients report experiencing a minimal amount of pain and discomfort. Let’s take a look at what recovery […]
Bags and dark circles appearing under the eyes are a common but usually undesirable trait. For most people, these unwanted facial features occur as part of the natural aging process, though some people may have them begin to crop up at quite a young age due to their genetic makeup. Regardless of whether the bags and dark circles underneath your eyes have always been there or if they’re just now starting to show up, lower eyelid surgery—blepharoplasty—is a popular, safe, and commonly used method to resolving the problem.
Indeed, some estimates report that blepharoplasty is among the most commonly administered plastic […]
Eyelid surgery, or blepharoplasty, is a highly effective and very common plastic surgery procedure which aims to reduce the amount of excess skin around the eyes. This can have dramatically beneficial results for most patients, such as the reduction of bags, dark circles, or puffiness underneath the eyes. However, for many patients the benefits exceed cosmetic appeal, and indeed blepharoplasty is for them a medical necessity. In these cases, it’s usually because the upper eyelid has begun to droop or sag into the field of vision. Blepharoplasty is a way to correct this problem and restore proper eyesight, though most […]
Blepharoplasty—or eyelid surgery as it’s more commonly known—is a highly effective cosmetic surgery that focuses on enhancing a patient’s eyelids and the area just surrounding the eyes. This kind of procedure isn’t always strictly cosmetic either, as it can have both medical as well as cosmetic applications. Many patients benefit from both corrective goals. Many people experience an excess of skin drooping down from the upper eyelid, which can impact their field of vision—an eyelid surgery can correct this. However, it can also correct cosmetic issues such as bags or puffiness underneath the eyes which lead to a constantly tired […]
There are several important considerations to make before deciding to work with any medical professional, and plastic surgeons are no exception. First and foremost, you should have no trouble whatsoever when attempting to confirm their qualifications, educational background, certifications, and other important documentation that proves that they’re as great as they say they are—it’s also a good indicator of experience. However, it’s also important that you get along, which we’ll examine in more detail in a moment. Blepharoplasty is an effective plastic surgery and you’ll have a much smoother experience by choosing to work with the right surgeon—let’s discover how […]
Eyelid surgery, usually known as eyelid surgery, can offer patients a number of benefits to vastly improve their appearance. Many patients have reported the procedure as having age defying results for the area around their eyes—but it’s important to know that this procedure isn’t strictly for cosmetic purposes in all cases. When blepharoplasty is for elective, aesthetic purposes, it’s called cosmetic blepharoplasty. In other cases, it may be administered as a medical necessity, especially for patients with ptosis. This is a condition which obstructs the vision. It’s important to understand the difference between each kind of surgery.
For example, a patient […]
There are as many reasons why you may be dissatisfied with your chin as there are people in Toronto. You might have a receding chin that you feel makes you look doughy and unrefined. Perhaps you have an elongated chin that you were teased about when you were a child. We’ll discuss 4 reasons why you might be an ideal candidate for chin augmentation surgery in Toronto.
Receding Chin
Those of you who have a weak, or receding, chin may have always wanted one that projects forwards instead of back. A receding chin can dull your facial features, making them look doughy […]
Once you hit 30 years old, the skin around your eyes becomes more wrinkled, puffy and baggy. You may find that bags develop under your eyes, and become more prominent with every passing year. Take a closer look at the bags under your eyes. Are they your lower eyelids or festoons? Determining which you have makes all the difference when selecting the right treatment to achieve your aesthetic goals.
Festoon VS Undereye BagsUndereye bags: This common aesthetic concern is caused by protrusion or herniation of fat that lies beneath the lower eyelid, something that occurs naturally with age. To make matters […]