Toronto, ON

How Liposuction Can Help You Achieve the Bikini Body You’ve Always Wanted

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By Jerome Edelstein, MD

It’s distressing shopping for a bikini when you don’t think any of them will look flattering on you. If you are self-conscious about your body, you might be afraid to wear one. Shopping for swimwear should be an enjoyable experience – not an upsetting one. Sometimes, exercise isn’t enough to get rid of unsightly bulges. This is why more and more people are turning to liposuction.

It has become a safe and efficient way to get rid of stubborn fat in certain places on the body. If you want to look great in a bikini, here are some of the ways liposuction can help you:

Slimmed down thighs, both inner and outer

Many women have to deal with bulky thighs. Sometimes fat just settles there, no matter how much you work out. Having bulky thighs can make you look disproportionally heavy.  If this is your problem area, you might not like the way you look in bikini bottoms. Liposuction can eliminate fat right out of the inner and/or outer thighs. As a result, you will have a more proportional figure and a boost of confidence!

No more love handles

Love handles can be a problem for men and women both. Those extra pockets of fat around the waist look unflattering with swimwear. These areas don’t respond much to diet and exercise. Even if they do, it can take awhile to notice results. For a more streamlined silhouette, liposuction is a great option.  Removing excess fat around the waistline doesn’t have to be a complicated process, either, as modern liposuction technology allows for simplified techniques.

Get nice, sculpted legs

Have you always wanted flawless legs? In addition to thigh liposuction, you can have fat removed from the lower legs as well. Even if you’re not overweight, fat deposits can still make the legs look unflattering. One of the most common areas in women is to get liposuction around the knees. Too much fat in this area can cause the leg to look disproportionate.

No more bra bulge

For some women, the problem areas are in the upper body. If you have extra fat around the upper back or underarms, you might not like wearing bikini or tank tops. Even a loose fitting top that doesn’t cause as much bulge might not look right.

Liposuction can be used to remove fat from different parts of the back, including the area between the shoulder blades, fat close to the armpits, near the neck, etc.

No more flabby arms

If you’ve lost weight in the past, yet find yourself still stuck with flabby arms, you might not like the idea of wearing a strapless bikini top. Arm flab can really make a person look bulkier than they really are. By reducing arm fat with liposuction, you can achieve a firmer look. Your curves will be emphasized rather than detracted.

Get a nice, flat tummy

The stomach is probably the greatest problem area for many people. Tummy fat is usually the very last body fat to go when losing weight. If it’s still there even after you’ve achieved low weight, liposuction might be the only solution.

Don’t let stubborn fat get the better of you. With liposuction, and a skilled surgeon to perform it, you can have the body you’ve always dreamed of, no matter what kind of swimwear you go to the beach in.

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