A hormonal imbalance can cause males of all ages to experience breast gland enlargement, also known as Gynecomastia. Although this condition is relatively common, affecting approximately one third of the male population, it can be a source of embarrassment and discomfort. The sudden change in your body can also be alarming and may cause you to be concerned about your overall health.
While Gynecomastia itself does not present a threat to your body, aside from its detrimental impact on your self-esteem, it may be indicative of an underlying health concern so it is best to seek the advice of a medical […]
We’ve all made promises to ourselves we didn’t keep. February is a month notorious for scaling back on the expectations of the month preceding it. Why not do things differently this time? When you choose a renewed figure and improved self-esteem with a breast augmentation in Toronto, you’ll be starting the new year with one confident choice that could lead to many more.
Toronto Breast Augmentation Is More Than Just A Physical Improvement
The darkest, coldest months of the year are an optimal time to consider life and what you want from it. For many people, planning to look and feel better […]
A breast augmentation is a transformative surgical procedure designed to enhance the size and shape of the breasts. Whether it is to increase breast size or restore the appearance of breasts after pregnancy or breastfeeding, in Toronto, breast augmentation is one of the most frequently requested cosmetic surgical procedures. Unfortunately, due to the cost associated with this procedure, some women are turning to underground clinics in search of their desired results. However, in doing so, they are endangering themselves as many unlicensed surgeons utilize risky alternatives rather than following accepted techniques and safety protocols. Although silicone implants are a safe […]
Understandably, when making the decision to undergo a breast augmentation, many women want to ensure that the procedure will deliver natural looking results. During your initial breast augmentation consultation in Toronto, your plastic surgeon will listen to your goals for the procedure and discuss the various factors which influence the final results of the augmentation, including which breast implant size, shape, texture, and placement will help you achieve the most natural results for your individual body.
What Is A Natural Looking Breast Augmentation?
Although some women prefer the augmented look and aim to increase their breast size significantly, most patients hope to […]
During pregnancy, women’s breast tissue stretches and shrinks significantly, first becoming engorged with milk, and then shrinking as the breast glands atrophy after breast feeding is finished. The good news is that if you had a breast augmentation and became pregnant afterwards, the implants themselves will be perfectly fine and will remain intact. However, the overall shape of your breasts may change as a result of the major physical effects of pregnancy.
What Changes Can I Expect?
Women’s breasts often change and become smaller; however, they may become larger due to weight gain, or remain the same size as before pregnancy. […]
The recovery process following your breast enhancement in Toronto at Edelstein Cosmetic is an important part of the path toward achieving great results. The following timeline is what you can generally expect.The First Few Hours After Surgery
When you awake from your surgery, you’ll be in the recovery room where you’ll remain for a few hours under the watchful eye of your dedicated team of nurses and doctors.The First 24 Hours
A few patients react negatively to the anesthetic after surgery. You may feel nauseous and vomit. This usually lasts less than 24 hours and should be treated with lots of fluids, […]
If you’re considering enhancing your breasts, you’ll likely have many questions leading up to your procedure. Some of the most common questions posed by patients relate to the recovery process. In particular, many women wonder about sleeping after surgery. Read on to find out how you can make things simple and comfortable.
It’s normal to feel fatigued for a few days after your breast augmentation in Toronto. That’s because your body is working overtime to heal your injured tissues and muscles. Getting the correct amount of sleep allows your body to focus solely on recovery. While you sleep, blood flow containing […]
With its popularity constantly on the rise, you may have considered a breast augmentation for yourself. Breast augmentation is a life-transforming cosmetic procedure that has positively changed the lives of many women. Despite its powerful influence on the happiness of people, it is a very straightforward surgical procedure that is relatively simple. Here, we will explain what really happens during your Toronto breast augmentation surgery after all the planning and preparations.
When you first enter the operating room, you will be prepared for the breast augmentation surgery by an anesthesiologist. They will administer a combination of medications that include intravenous sedatives […]
While the majority of women opt to undergo breast augmentation surgery during their twenties, thirties, or forties, there are no age limits for this transformative procedure. Provided that patients are in good overall health, women of older ages can safely undergo a breast augmentation, achieving beautiful results.
In many cases, however, older women do have different objectives when pursuing this procedure. For women aged fifty or older, the following factors should be taken into consideration when contemplating a breast augmentation.
Your Goals for the Procedure
In order to determine your suitability for a breast augmentation, it is important to first consider your goals […]
While the vast majority of patients who undergo a breast augmentation are satisfied with the results and may not need to remove them for decades due to the increasing longevity of breast implants, in some instances, women may opt to have their implants removed. Whether due to dissatisfaction with the look or feel of the enhancement, a desire to downsize their implants to a more practical size, or to replace old implants, implants can be removed at any time.
Although rare, in some instances, women are required to remove implants due to breakage or rupturing. Regardless of the reason for the […]