Toronto, ON

Brazilian Butt Lift

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By Jerome Edelstein, MD

Did you know that men find an hourglass figure to be more attractive than breast size on women? According to a New Zealand study, a waist that’s smaller than the hips was most preferred by the study’s male participants (specifically, a waist-to-hip ratio of 0.7, in which the waist circumference is 70% of the hip circumference). Scientists reason that this is because an hourglass figure is believed to be an indicator of health and high fertility, traits that are also conveyed by rounded, full buttocks.

Do you want to slim down your waist, enhance your hips and reshape your butt for a sexier body contour? We can help you do that in a single procedure with a Brazilian Butt Lift at his Toronto state-of-the-art surgical facility.GET YOUR SEXY BACK WITH A BRAZILIAN BUTT LIFTA Brazilian Butt Lift gives you fuller buttocks with a slimmer waistline – the beautiful hourglass figure you want! The procedure, a combination of liposuction and buttock augmentation, involves taking fat from your waist/stomach and putting it into your buttocks. Using your own fat to enhance your buttocks has many advantages over silicone implants, as proven by a study of 566 patients published in the Aesthetic Surgery Journal. The study found that buttock augmentation with fat grafting (essentially what a Brazilian Butt Lift is) gives you more options on how you can enhance your butt as well as results in less pain and less risk of complications (including capsular contracture). It also allows for a faster recovery.With shapelier, more youthful buttocks and a slimmer waist, we have found that our patients are consistently highly satisfied with their results.YOUR BRAZILIAN BUTT LIFT SURGERYThe first step of your surgery is liposuction. Unwanted fat is removed from one or more areas on your body, specifically the stomach, flanks, back and thighs. Doing so eliminates those stubborn pockets of fat in your midsection that you dislike, and with their removal the targeted area(s) becomes slimmer and more toned. With liposuction alone, the waist may become more cinched in for that coveted hourglass shape, and a better slope is achieved where the lower back meets the buttocks.

The removed fat is purified and then your surgeon carefully injects it into specific areas of the buttocks at varying depths to achieve your desired improvement. A bigger butt is not the primary goal of a Brazilian Butt Lift. Rather, it is a rounder and fuller butt that appears to “defy gravity” (as one patient requested, and happily achieved through her surgery!).

If you do not have enough fat to transfer to your buttocks, silicone implants may be used instead.

Please call (416) 256-5614 to find out if you’re a suitable candidate for a Brazilian Butt Lift.

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