By Jerome Edelstein, MD
If you are considering undergoing a rhinoplasty, then you probably want to know how long it takes to recover, right? This is probably one of the most frequently asked questions by patients and for good reason. It helps to know how long you will be out of commission and it also helps to know in which activities you can and cannot participate.
Below, we will go over how long your recovery will take and also provide you with some tips to help you get through it.
How Long Until Recovery?
Typically, you are healed within six weeks, but it can take more time than that for all the swelling to reduce completely. In fact, some patients experience a small amount of swelling up to a year after the surgery is performed. It is important to note that once you have the procedure performed, your nose will continue to change for many weeks after surgery.
The biggest concern with recovery time is the swelling. Each and every patient is different, so it is hard to determine how long it will take for each individual as each person has different factors that affect healing. Generally, swelling will last for a few months after the surgery. How noticeable the swelling is depends on your body.
When Can I Go Out in Public?
Most patients are able to go out into public a week or two after their procedure. It is wise to relax for the first week and just simply rest. Resting will help keep the swelling and bruising to a minimum as well.
Typically, you will need to wear a splint for the first week as well. Once this splint comes off, you are free to go out into public, but remember, you will still be swollen during this time.
Can I Engage in Physical Activity?
Again, everyone heals differently and it is recommended that you minimize your activity for two weeks following the procedure. After these two weeks have passed, you will be able to start getting back into the groove of things, but you do not want to pick up physically strenuous activities yet.
Closer to the six-week period, you can begin to add in physical activities, but always avoid ones where your nose can become damaged such as football, volleyball, and the like.
Recovery Tips
To help improve your recovery time, you should avoid smoking and drinking as these factors slow down your healing. In addition, always use ice packs to help reduce the swelling and bruising you will experience.
It also helps to keep your head elevated above your heart when you are relaxing as this will help stop any bleeding and minimize the swelling you experience.
If you are ready to undergo rhinoplasty, make sure that you know what to expect come recovery time. You should always follow your surgeon’s instructions to ensure that you gain the most from your procedure.
If you are ready to discuss your options, give the professionals at Edelstein Cosmetic a call today.